TAKMIL (Teach A Kid Make Individual Life), is a non-profit organisation, founded in 2017 to bring a positive change in the society through education. We, a small group of people, took an initiative of empowering our masses with the weapon of education. We want to resolve the most pressing humanitarian challenge and seek to raise the quality of life.
As throughout Pakistan, upwards of 22.8 million children are out of school because of poverty, civil unrest and lack of education institutes. And without traditional education, these children mature with very limited options and left with no other choice but to lead a poor lifestyle. To end this vicious cycle of inequality and illiteracy, TAKMIL has launched several targeted educational programs; teacher’s training sessions and school facilities in the remote areas of Pakistan. We are proud to say that from 45 OOSC of Mardan we have reached 1500 and are committed to raise the number. As we say: